Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Living in Africa has forced me to think about water all the time. From buying all the water that I consume because the tap water here would probably kill me, to leaking pipes, to immense amounts of rain, to the days when the running water is not working, water permeates all hours of my life in Cameroon. For the past two days we have not had running water in the house or at school. The toilets are disgusting, I haven't really showered (bucket showers leave much to be desired) and we are very anxiously awaiting the return of running water. In contrast to the lack of water in that department, yesterday I experienced the most intense rainstorm of my life. We were leaving our visit to the University in Yaounde when all the sudden the skies opened and dumped water on us. I ran a very short distance to the taxi and was absolutely drenched in a matter of minutes. To get to school we drove through an actual lake.. it was crazy. Despite the challenges it isn't that hard to live like this, but I will be excited to take a hot shower when I get home in December. 

Doesn't even portray the extent of this rain.

1 comment:

  1. When you named your blog "Adventure" you had no idea. Certainly has been an exciting adventure so far!

    Love and miss you,
