Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Water (September 23)

I have a feeling my Cameroon adventure is just now beginning. In Yaounde my host family has a maid that lives next to the house and is responsible for all the cleaning and maintaining of the house. But in Dschang people don’t have money like that. My 6 year old sister taught me how to wash the dishes after my first lunch here. We stood outside and used a small pot of dirty water and some old sponges to wash all the plates, putting them right back on the ground when we were finished. Then we got a basin and rinsed them all and put them back in the house. It was more effective than I thought it would be but it was still quite the experience. And I can’t believe that a 6 year old knew exactly how to do everything, I guess they have to have a lot of responsibilities here when there is so much not covered by appliances.
Dish washing

The kitchen in our house

1 comment:

  1. That's my kind of 6 year old! Does she walk 40 minutes to school like you do?

