Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Une Visite a l'Artisanat

First day of French classes. Wasn’t really looking forward to it because I’m so used to French class being boring. But we took a field trip to l’artisanat – a market that sells things more for tourists than for locals. It was so fun to walk around and see all sorts of masks and jewelry and talk with the vendors who are, of course, very aggressive, but also very nice. It really puts our French to the test when we have to barter and fake knowledge about how much something should cost but it’s so fun. When we came back we talked about our experiences and by then it was already time for lunch. I went to a pizzeria with some guys.. just to see Cameroon’s take on pizza. It was okay not great, but definitely overpriced. After lunch we had our field study seminar where we began to talk about the research process. It was pouring after class so no exploring today. When I got home I went on a run (so tough to remember I have to be in shape when I get back!!) and started some reading. We talk so much about being integrated that I figured I can do homework anytime but when can I hang out with my African host sisters. So I talked with Maillaka (9 years old) about her school and she asked what I was doing and I learned a lot about her life and that she’s been to France a bunch of times because her dad is living there right now. Had to stay up later than normal to finish reading but definitely worth it. We had a great dinner of pasta with bolognaise, carrots, yams and pineapple - my favorite meal since being here. Starting to get in the swing of things!

Also sidenote – please comment! I love reading them and it makes me happy to check my email and find emails from everyone!

Part of the l'artisanat 

Selfies in the market

View from the porch

My family!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Andie-
    I'm very proud of you - I would never go to Africa, but you've always been an adventurous traveler! And you have a great smile. Be careful please. Thinking of you and wish I could see you.
    Love, Mimi
