Friday, September 14, 2012


Had a quick morning of classes then had the whole afternoon to do what we wanted. On Thursdays the office is open until 8 pm instead of 4:30 and the program staff drives us back to our homes so we’re safe after dark. Yesterday a bunch of us went into centre ville and bought African fabric so today Sasha, Abby and I went to a tailor to commission clothes to be made. I’m getting a high-waited skirt.. so excited to see how it turns out! After that we took a taxi to an enormous market. It’s amazing that we could get around on our own without feeling uncomfortable or out of our element.. what a difference a week makes. We befriended a guy named Junior who loved Sasha and he had a great leather bag that I loved so I asked where I could find one like it. We went into a back alley but they didn’t have anything great so we were about to leave when he asked if I wanted to buy his. We bartered for a while and eventually I bought it for $6 and I love it so much! I’m going to the tailor to get a zipper put in tomorrow so it’s safer to walk around with it. It was such an amazing experience. But I got back though I realized that someone had slashed a big tear in my LongChamp. While concerning, nothing was taken and I guess I just realize that I have to expect some bad things to happen here and to not let them get me down, and I was so lucky to leave with all my valuables. Hopefully someone here can repair it. When we got back we went to the grocery store to get materials for dinner. We made an enormous amount of pasta, with vegetable and tomato sauce and beans.. so delicious. We played some get to know you games because we realized while we have come to rely on each other so much we really don’t know each other yet. Now going home to skim some readings and off to bed!!

Marche Mokolo! Really doesn't show at all how crazy this market actually is.

Some small shops along the road with the mountains in the background.

Junior, our new friend who sold me his bag

Pretty light at dusk

First Thursday American dinner! (Sasha, Thyra and me)

1 comment:

  1. Bonjour Andie,
    I have just read all your blogs, how interesting. I must be an old aunt, because all the way through I had my teeth clenched thinking "please be careful" as I read how you just wandered around with strange blokes. I am glad that nothing was taken from your bag, it unfortunately can happen anywhere, and now you will walk around like a "granny" with your bag all clenched up under your arm! Skip has just returned from PNG and he uses a transport company called "Guard Dog Security" due to the unrest where he visits.

    Isn't it wonderful, your host family has running water and that you get along with them. I love reading about them and their lives and what you do each day. The photos are wonderful too.

    Cameron came home this week, after 10 weeks boarding at the snow. He had 45 days skiing and did his schoolwork after skiing. He is more independent and he did come home with "attitude", that has thankfully gone. He is back to his lovely self. He is sporting the worst goggle tan but he is very proud of it. His school won the Schools National Championship competition and Cameron actually represented his school in Skier X.

    Take care and enjoy
    love Aunty Susan
