Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Je suis etudiante! (September 10)

Today was the first day of school and I was so excited to hear about everyone’s experiences with their host families and speak some English! There was really quite a range. One family doesn’t have running water at all and they have to do retrieve it from a dangerous trench, but on the other end of the spectrum another family has a maid and does very little manual labor. We talked about host family experiences all morning and at noon went to find lunch. We are given $3 every day for lunch and you can easily go to a restaurant and eat for that much. A couple other girls and I opted to buy supplies at the grocery store and cook it at the office though, scrambled eggs with green peppers yum. We talked for a while in the afternoon then went exploring. When I got home my host mother was wearing my scarf which was definitely weird but the culture here is very communal so what belongs to me belongs to them. Something to get used to. I gave them presents for having me stay with them, coloring books, crayons, mini lollipops, Red Sox hat and shirt and bouncy balls. The kids went wild they were so excited. I hung out with my 5 year old sister for a while before dinner and we played dolls and I showed her pictures of my family which she loved. I’m starting to feel like a real part of the family :)
Road to school

View from school

Ilana et moi!! In the living room of my house.

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