Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Alive and Well in Cameroon (September 5)

What a crazy couple of days it has been. Finally arrived last night and met as a group of 12. We took a crazy hour long drive weaving in and out of other cars, motorcycles and people to our orientation site at a monastery above the capital city of Yaounde. On Friday we will move to our first home stay in the city but until then we are having orientation and learning all about Cameroon culture and finally trying Cameroonian food! A bientot!

View from the balcony of my room.. the capital city of Yaounde is in the distance.


  1. Hi Andie,
    Enjoy your steep learning curve the next few days as you settle in. All the best, you will love it. I looked on the map, to see exactly where you are, and saw that Guinea is next door. My Dad in one of his very daring business ventures, set up a rockmelon (cantaloupe) farm business in Guinea to export the melons. Need I say it ran into all sorts of difficulties!! It is not a thriving business.... Talking of my Dad, he has just got home from climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, yes he summited. We are now sponsoring a boy Nixon, to go to St Judes School in Tanzania. (across from you in Cameroon). Take Care. Love Aunt Susan

  2. Hi And-
    Love your pic..why am I surprised to see palm trees in Africa? Looks like Yaounde is a pretty big city - is that water in the background? Have fun orienting today...heading to the city and trying to find your way back I think is what you said is one of the things on the agenda for today.
