Monday, September 10, 2012

First Experience in Yaounde (September 6)

Today the program directors paired us up and dropped each pair off in an unknown location in Yaounde. We had a list of places to find and information to gather with no map and no other help. My partner Lindsay and I were dropped off in the middle of a crowded square and it was terrifying. But within one minute of being dropped off a young guy came over and asked us if we needed help and proceeded to walk with us for an hour around Yaounde showing us places and telling us how beautiful we were. It was explained in orientation that the men here are very aggressive and they will often ask you out repeatedly but it’s normal and we should just say no. Eventually we told him that we had to explore on our own for a while and meet other people but wow it was hard to get rid of him and he insisted on giving us his number. We wandered completely directionless for a while when we eventually arrived at a huge marketplace and we asked some guys who approached us for help and they walked around with us asking tons of questions and asking if we could take them to the United States with us. It was nearing the end of the day but we wanted to find one last place so we asked a security guard if we were going the right way and he left, got changed, and walked us all the way there. People are absurdly friendly and helpful here. Finally we took a car (for 20 cents USD!) back up to our monastery. Such a cool experience and so reassuring to realize how great the people are here!! 

Walking through the mountains 
View of Yaounde through the trees

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