Monday, September 17, 2012


Happy Weekend! Woke up really early this morning and took my host sisters on our Saturday day trip. We all piled into a bus and began our adventure with a trip to the boulangerie to buy lunch supplies. My sisters, of course, wanted hamburgers. They we drove all though Yaounde and well into the suburbs to a region called Bamunda. There was visited Cameroon’s only art school. The pottery was amazing.. wish I could have taken it all home with me but you’ll have to wait until Christmas to see what I bought Mom and Dad. After that we got back in the bus and headed to a gorilla sanctuary. First we saw baby chimps.. cutest things in the world. They were so playful, all over the monkey bars and other play things in their home. Then we saw some huge gorillas that are frighteningly human-like. We trekked through the forest and saw many habitats with awesome monkeys. The highlight was probably the white-bearded monkey in the pictures below with her baby. Such a fun adventure to share with my new sisters. When we got home my mom was having a bunch of friends over for a “reunion” which happen every Saturday. People were told to come at 2 and the first person didn’t arrive until 3:30.. Cameroonians are frightening lax about time.
Really didn’t think I could be as happy as I am here. I don’t think I’ve ever been as enthusiastic about new experiences or enjoyed being out of my comfort zone so much. I’m so lucky.

Host sisters on the bus ride



Surprised monkey and babyyyy

Glowing in a large tree


  1. Hey Andie!
    Looks like you're having a great time over there. Kind of confused, I think you took your host sisters with you on a school trip, but not sure if that was just a trip with your family. That tree is freaking HUGE.


    P.S. Got glasses today... not happy.

  2. Ya they came with me on an optional trip our program organized. Did mom make you comment?

    Also send me a picture of your glasses.. I need to see that.


    i'm loving reading your blog. it sounds like you're having an awesome time! your host sister looks absolutely adorable. sorry about your bag being slit, but i bet the new leather bag is even better :) keep updating us when you can and don't forget to e-mail me back :)

    love love love you!


  4. Don't have them just yet, getting them by the end of the week i think. I'll send you some then, and yeah mom suggested i comment a few days ago.
